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I achieved a Bachelor and Master Degree in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Padova.
During the last couple of years I developed a deep interest in chemical and cold gas space propulsion, and so I began my thesis work at T4i in the design of a micro-gravity test experiment of a phase separator for a cold gas thruster. I had so the opportunity to look closely at every part of a project from the preliminary design to the test phase, and thanks to this overall view I became passionate about other engineering aspects like the material processing and the manufacturing.
At T4i I work as a Project Engineer, involved both in chemical and cold-gas thrusters projects.
In my free time I enjoy travelling, reading, spending time in nature or by the sea.
I also love different forms of art like photography and acting.
I graduated in 2020 with a Bachelor + Masters in Aerospace Engineering (Spacecraft Engineering specialization) from the University of Southampton (UK). During my masters’ thesis, I worked on the development of a 1.5kN regeneratively cooled 3D printed bipropellant rocket.
I joined T4i’s team at the beggining of 2021 as a fresh graduate from university. My current role involves the design and testing of monopropellant and cold-gas propulsion systems for small satellite applications.
I am an ambitious and self-motivated person, driven by curiosity. From very early during my university studies, I knew that my career goal was to get involved in the space industry and become a rocket scientist.
For as long as I can remember, I have always been very passionate about aeronautics and astronautics, specifically space exploration. Spaceflight has always captured my imagination; which is why I chose to become an aerospace engineer.
I obtained a M.Sc. in aerospace engineering in September 2018 and now I’m a PhD student at the University of Padova. Since 2018, I collaborate with T4i (an aerospace company based in Padova) for the development of various electric and cold gas propulsion systems. I participated in the design, development and testing of REGULUS , an iodine fed magnetically enhanced plasma thruster developed by T4i. During the project, I was responsible for the thermal design of the system and the work I did is part of my PhD research activity, which is focused on the study and thermal optimization of a fluidic line with iodine propellant. Recently, I joined also the E-REGULUS project, whose aim is the development of an electric propulsion system specifically designed to serve small satellite platforms, and the Plasmix4Space project for the study of gas mixtures to be applied on electric motors and plasma antenna.
In my free time, I like doing sports such as swimming, running, gym and I enjoy watching anime.
I am electronic engineer with PhD in information technology.
In my work experience I worked in Unox S.p.A., company specialized in lean production, as an electronics hardware and software developer. Here I gained awareness of the “lean production” concepts starting from the design process. During the PhD I was involved in the Powerbase European project for testing of high-efficient power electronics components based on GaN semiconductors. I worked in collaboration with Infineon Technologies with an international working team and I developed innovative electronics testing methods to accelerate the GaN technology development. In my work experience I gained experience in the development and production of embedded electronics with high quality standards. From a technical point of view, I am specialized in software and hardware development of embedded systems and in high-speed electronics testing methods.
In T4i I deal with electronics hardware and software development of Plasma engines. I am responsible for the embedded software development of some lines of T4i Plasma engines.
In my spare time I like long distance running and I took part to some marathons in the last years.
I work in T4i as a chemical technician. My daily activity consist on the maintenance of the hydrogen peroxide concentrator and the hydrogen peroxide analysis and storage and I usually take part in hybrid motors’ test as mechanical technician and safety operator. I’m also involved in R&D activities for hydrogen peroxide catalytics and material compatibility.
In my free time I like to practice combat sports and futsal and, when I want some relax, I like to read books about philosophy and Italian history or drink a cold beer.
I’m an Astronautical Engineer and I am the Marketing and Sales Manager of T4i.
After graduating from Sapienza University of Rome, I attended the International Space University, focusing on space entrepreneurship. My transition from technical to marketing started after winning the global award at NASA Space Apps Challenge in 2016, then becoming a space entrepreneur myself. At T4i I manage the commercial opportunities and I foster the commercialization of our amazing thrusters, with an eye always on market trends and on the entire small satellites environment.
I am a meticolous and organized person, I truly enjoy making lists for everything. I suffer from notriphobia: the fear of not having any trips booked. Ask me to travel and I have always my bag ready.
I graduated as a secretarial administrative operator in 2016. At T4i, I am an administrative clerk and I am responsible for handling business correspondence, telephone and internal communications, sorting paper/computer documents and researching calls for tenders. In my free time I enjoy walking in nature and generally uncrowded places, I like to cook and listen to movie soundtracks.
I am a Project Engineer at T4i, I work in the chemical propulsion division of the company and my daily activity covers design, development and testing of a Sounding Rocket hybrid engine. Furthermore, I am following part of the design and integration of rocket sub-systems.
I graduated in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Padua and during my academic study I joined the university Formula SAE team where I had the opportunity to work in a group, with a common goal and shared passion to design, manufacturing and test a race car to compete in international SAE events.
I also had the chance to live two student exchange experiences where I could know and experience different cultures, languages and ideas.
In my spare time I really love to do sports, as football, swimming, hiking, I have a passion for street photography, I like travel to discover new places and see natures beauty all around the world and, last but not the least, I enjoy wine and the winemaking process, because of my roots, traditions and origins.
I achieved a master degree in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Padua.
In my thesis I analysed the trajectories and the possible hazards to public safety involved in the launch of a Sounding Rocket powered by a hybrid engine.
After I graduated, I joined the aerospace propulsion research team of the University of Padua. In T4i I had the opportunity to participate at the design and testing of a 7 kN hybrid motor and of different rocket sub-systems.
Being born in the mountains, I like mountaineering and hiking. I’m also interested in ski touring and all those activities that allow me to fully live the Alps all year round.
After my MS in space engineering at the University of Padova in 2021, I joined T4i as a chemical propulsion engineer.
During the studies I worked on thermal and fluid dynamic models for hybrid and bipropellant engines. During the last years I worked on a project called Thrust, which was founded by me and by some of my university colleagues. The objective: launching a 500 N hybrid engine rocket at more than 1 km high, to carry university students payloads.
My daily job at T4i consists of designing and testing different tecnologies, dicovering new things every day.
I love what makes me feel free: when I am not at work I am visiting new places or reaching new peaks with my MTB. Yet I admit: sometimes I just chill at home trying to learn something new.
It all started from a love and passion for flying, that became my study path and I graduated in 2019 in logistics and transports.
I did an internship at Superjet – International that sells and produced the Sukhoi – Superjet 100. I did another internship that brought me into the world of Air traffic control, in Padua CTA (control area).
In T4I I help the Test Engineers in all the phases present to the completion of the assigned tests.
I am also a musician; I love playing music! Especially I play saxophone and drums but, anything instrument that falls in my hand is more than fine!
I’m a research and development Engineer for Hybrid Propulsion. Since 2014 I have been working on hybrid rocket motors and now I take care of the design development and testing activities. Thanks to T4i I had the chance to design, test and optimize hybrid rocket motors with a thrust class up to 10 kN. From 2015, during my PhD course in Space Sciences, Technologies and Measurements I have been collaborating with T4i and at the end of the PhD course I became part of the team. On my spare time I enjoy hiking, cyclotouring and homebrewing.
I’m a Senior Propulsion Engineer and CTO at T4i. I hold an MSc in Aerospace Engineering in 2008 and a PhD in Science Technologies and Measurements for Space in 2011, both from University of Padua, Italy. I’ve worked on Propulsion Systems since 2009, mainly on Hybrid Rockets design and testing, working on different propellant combinations and motor class (1kN, 10 kN, 25 kN). Now I’m the Technical Manager of T4i and PM on Plasma Motors projects. My main achievements are the design and construction of a race car (Formula SAE competition), the design and launch of a hybrid booster for UAV take-off, and the design and micro-g testing of a PMD on a sounding rocket (SPONGE REXUS experiment, launch on 2011). I’ve also deep experience on autonomous mobile robots. I’ve a deep experience in the field-testing of rockets, helping in the design of the actual test facility of University of Padova, modelling the internal combustion behaviour and analysing data from experimental campaign to achieve better performance of our motors. Since 2017 I work also as a program manager for plasma thrusters project, where the aim is a working cubesat to be placed in orbit. I am author and co-author of many articles published in international peer-reviewed journals, and proceedings of national and international conferences. I grew up working in teams, where the focus was to achieve a solid result maintaining the given constrain. Dealing with people is my daily routine, getting the things done is my purpose, making people willing to work with me and my projects is my method. My main interest outside work are tech stuff and outdoor adventures like kayaking, hiking, sailing, traveling… I like to read sci-fi book… Yes, I’m a bit of a nerd.
I’m T4i CEO and Associate professor in Aerospace Propulsion at the Department of Industrial Engineering of Padua University. I hold a PhD in Mechanical Measurement in Engineering Science. I started as co-responsible of the CISAS Hypervelocity Impact Facility from 1997 to 2006. I started and I am responsible for CISAS propulsion activities. I was Adjoin professor in Space Propulsion, Faculty of Engineering, University of Padua (2004-2013) Lecturer on Space Propulsion Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering, University of Padua (2005-present). I am also involved in many institutional research activities. I believe that everybody has a great power inside and that all of us is important in the engineering scheme of the world. I believe that we are part of this world to discover our weaknesses, fears, limits, and to overcome all of them, to go beyond to new harder challenges, more and more. In my life I was always trying to do something which I felt so challenging that most of the people considered impossible. I decided to lead T4i because I recognized that only who believes can succeed, and I’m certainly the one.
After taking my University Master Degree in Aerospace Engineering, specializing myself in Propulsion Systems, I had the chance to work in two established companies in the field: Thales Alenia Space and Avio Aero. It was during these years that I realized that I wanted to focus my efforts in projects with a strong and tangible social impact. With this in mind, as the Space Community was giving more and more attention to safety, environmental impact and costs issues, I started a PhD focusing my research on hybrid rocket propulsion, well known inside the Rocket Propulsion Community for being a promising field of research. While doing the PhD research I got in touch with the sustainable approach of a NGO association – The Natural Step – realizing how the implementation of the sustainability concepts is essential to make innovation, especially in the aerospace field. That’s how I knew D-Orbit, where I managed Alice-2 project, in which I successfully led the design, production, qualification, acceptance and launch phases of the core of D-Orbit disposal device, and D-SAT project. In D-Orbit I also grew my Business Development and Commercial competences in the Space sector and today I’m managing the Business Development and Marketing activities on New Propulsion Systems here in T4i. I enjoy being part of the space community, that’s why I’m a member of the IAF International Space Propulsion Technical Committee and a member of SGAC and Women in Aerospace Europe Association. About me…I’m a curious person always looking for exciting experiences. During these years I had the chance to live in Padua, Turin, Paris, Milan and Istanbul enjoying living in different ways and discovering new sides of myself. That’s how I realized that with people at first sight I seem to be reserved and quiet, but then…. Let’s enjoy our lives!
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I was involved in research and consulting projects about the following themes: Social Media strategy, Content & community manager, Advertising & communication online, Web strategy & planning, Web analytics, E-mail marketing, Creative & Design solution. In T4i I take care of Web Marketing and Communication activities.
I’m a Ph.D. in Electromagnetism and Electronic Engineering. I count on more than 30 years of experience in design and realization of electronics for space and industry. I also grew my experience in the detection of small electrical signals from biological tissues in a nosing environment and more in general in analogical transducers. I like to study and develop wideband ultralinear systems for the audio signals conditioning.
My main job in T4i is focused on the electronics development for plasma propulsion.
I hold a degree on Electronic Engineering with a specialization in microelectronics. I participated in REXUS 9 (Rocket Experiments for University Students) with the SPONGE team as an electronics specialist. I’ve been following this path since high school where I attended the technical institute.
Being accustomed to manual activities, I like combining theory with practice. When I was a kid, even before playing with toys, I started using the screwdriver.
I graduated in transport and logistics, I’m an aviation enthusiast. My tasks in T4i are assembling engines and creating 3D components. In 2017 I did an internship at FSC (Flight Simulation Center), where I worked on problem solving and testing on simulators. My hobbies are dynamic aircraft modelling, skiing and cooking.
I graduated at the institute G. Marconi of Padua directed towards the aeronautic sector. During my studies I gained a deep knowledge of aeronautics, mechanics and electronics applied to aircrafts. I had some linguistic experiences in foreign countries and afterword I accomplished an English language certification. I am passionate of the aeronautics world, especially the military one and of space. I love skiing and swimming, I love electronics software and hardware, and videogames.
I have a Master’s Degree in Natural Sciences and a 1st Level Master in Strategic Environmental Management, both gained at the University of Padua. During the university period I had the opportunity to leave for Erasmus and live in Copenhagen for six months, an experience that has undoubtedly opened my mind.
After starting work, I felt the desire to find a meeting point between two seemingly distant worlds: the environmental and the corporate one, in order to bring companies closer to the concept of environmental sustainability; which is why I started the 1st Level Master in Strategic Environmental Management thanks to which I was able to carry out a Life Cycle Assessment study.
Before joining the T4i team, I dealt with quality management systems (ISO 9001), environmental sustainability and safety.
Here in T4i I am the manager for the quality system related to the 9100 standard and I support the RSPP in the safety management.
I like reading, in particular, crime books, traveling, try new cooking recipes, and, being a keen of nature and ethology, I like to watch documentaries.
I am an ambitious and determined person and I believe that only by working in a team great goals can be achieved.
I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Padova and I graduated in 2012 with a Master’s thesis developed at Imperial College London.
During the studies I realised that I would have liked to transform my passion for space in my future work and thus I participated in ESA REXUS-BEXUS programme with SCRAT Experiment. This project represented my first hands-on activity, teaching me the main typical milestones of a real space mission.
A Ph.D. was therefore the natural progression of my educational path, consisting in studying viable strategies for spacecraft rendezvous and docking exploiting electro-magnetic interactions.
During the Ph.D. I participated in the 68th ESA Parabolic Flight Campaign within ESA Education Fly Your Thesis! 2017 Programme as Team Leader of PACMAN Experiment, a technology demonstrator of a CubeSat-size integrated system for proximity navigation and soft docking based on magnetic interactions. This was a really astonishing experience that gave me the opportunity to grow both personally and professionally, improving my team leading and project management skills.
In T4i I work as Project Engineer.
In my spare time I like playing basket, swimming, and snowboarding. I also like travelling.
I graduated in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Padua. I worked on the optimization of an aeronautical intake at Cranfield University for my MSc thesis project with the aim of reducing the energy losses of the airflow. After almost two years of experience in software development, I joined the T4i team as a Test Engineer. My activities concern the design and implementation of tests for hybrid rocket engines. I’ve always had a strong passion for photography, travel and sport. I’m a curious person and I’m always looking for new challenges.
I hold a Bachelor and a Master degrees in Aerospace Engineer and a Ph.D. in Technology and Measurements for Space. I specialized in Astrodynamics working in the fields of space debris and space tethers. I had been involved in several international projects and I spent some time as visiting researcher at the Technical University of Madrid and the MIT. Since May 2018 I have been working on fluidic systems of plasma motors at T4i, taking care of the design, the production, and the laboratory testing.
I am interested into devising and building original objects since when I was a child and thanks to my father that is an expert in metal-working, I realized the most varied objects. I am an amateur theatre actor and I like to play basketball. I love travelling, history books and drinking a good beer with friends.
I achieved a master’s degree in aerospace engineering at Padova University in 2017.
Over the course of my university career I have developed a particular interest in structural design of space systems. After my graduation, I immediately started a research fellowship at the University of Padova where I took care of the design and feasibility study of a series of components for industrial automation using polymer matrix composites to be substituted for metallic materials.
I work as Junior Project Engineer at T4i where I am part of a team dealing with the design and development of a plasma propulsion system. I’m developing the thermo-mechanical design of the thruster. I also deal with the definition of mechanical and thermal tests to which the system will be submitted. Furthermore I follow the aspects related to company and laboratory safety.
Out of work, I like reading, above all crime and adventure books, and travelling. I am also passionate about cooking of which I have also attended an amateur course in a professional cooking school.
I achieved a Mechanics Diploma in 2017. My duties in T4i consist in coordinating hybrid motors’ tests and the realization of 3D drawings of the needed components for the testing activities. Furthermore, I follow the printing process of the projected parts.
In 2016 I took an internship at INFN (National Institute of Nuclear Physics) where I realized components using both manual and CNC machineries for the various INFN researches departments. I like videogaming and watching films, but also spending time outdoor and hiking.
I gained a MsC in Aerospace Engineering in September 2018. Starting from 2017, during my studies at the University of Padua, I began to collaborate with T4i’s researchers in the field of plasma sources, studying a plasma flow on a probe. Afterwards I took an internship and I prepared the thesis at T4i, concentrating on the design of a fluidic line of an iodine powered plasma thruster. After obtaining the Master’s degree, I have started working at T4i, continuing the research carried out during the thesis for the realization of the REGULUS project.
I am passionate about space, astronomy and meteorology. Having grown up near Lake Garda, during my spare time I love to visit places surrounded by nature. I am a curious, reserved and reflective person.
I have a diploma as business management technician and expert in marketing and sales networks. In T4i I am the administrative manager and mainly I deal with the management of personnel, organization of corporate travels, reporting of expenses and management of relationships with suppliers. Mom of three children, I like cooking, gardening and reading books on pedagogy.
I am one of the founder and shareholder of T4i. I hold a MSc in Mechanical Engineering and a PhD in Space Science and Technology, both from University of Padua. I was a Graduate Research Visitor at University of Wisconsin – Madison (USA). I worked as Post-doc at UPD- CISAS in the role of responsible for the development of advanced codes and experimental set-up for the study of plasma propulsion system based on helicon source in the EU FP7 project HPH.com.
My main research fields are related to plasma physics, space propulsion and mathematical modeling of plasma in High Performance Computing. I am one of the developer of F3MPIC (particle in cell) and of several other codes for plasma physics and propulsion developed at University of Padua. I am also involved in the diagnostic analysis on ground experiment of different plasma thruster. I also taught as lecture assistant in courses of Space propulsion both for the course of Aerospace Engineering at university of Padua and for the PhD School in Sciences, Technologies and Measurements for Space (STMS). I am now the manager of the plasma segment of T4i and the System Engineer for the Plasma Propulsion unit we are developing. I like to read, especially history essay: I love to explore the history of each place I visit. I am profoundly interested in popularization of science (I followed a specific course at CERN for physics educator). During my spare time, I love sailing in the beautiful sea near Venice.
I took a PhD in Science, Technology and Measurements for Space in March 2015 and an MsC in Aerospace Engineering in March 2010 both at the University of Padua. Since 2010 I’ve been working on the development and testing of innovative plasma sources, in the frame of several EU and Italian research programs. I mostly worked within the Center for Space Studies and Activities (CISAS) of the University of Padua, but I’ve also cooperated with other Italian enterprises. Since 2017 I’m part of T4i’s plasma propulsion team. My main focus is related to plasma thrusters, which I’ve worked within the EU projects HPH.COM and ESA AO7048 “Helicon Plasma Thruster for Space Missions” and the Italian project SAPERE-STRONG.
In addition to this I also developed plasma sources for industrial applications, such as optical lens surface treatment, in cooperation with Italian enterprises. These activities involved international research teams and have allowed me to develop several key abilities, both technical (related to the development, manufacturing and testing of innovative systems) and personal (team working, problem solving, project management).
Personally I’m a reflective person, preferring a calm and rational approach to situations. love handcraft work, particularly hobby modelling, but I also like history, science fiction and painting.